Student Internship

The Student Internship is a dedicated team of students growing in Christlikeness together and helping the next generation discover real life in Jesus Christ. These Student Interns are integral to our ministry to students in Chattanooga

In the Student Internship program you can expect to

  • grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ

  • serve in a community of your peers

  • meet for training with our senior staff weekly

  • develop leadership gifts through regular participation and leadership of strategic House events, including Tuesday Night Worship, retreats, outreach events, mission trips, and Bible studies.

The Student Internship is a 10-15 hour per week volunteer opportunity that is open to Juniors or Seniors who follow Jesus and whose faith in Christ is evident in their lives (see Galatians 5:22).

Filling this out simply communicates your interest to us and we are requesting all interest forms are in by April 5. We’ll be in touch after you submit the form to discover how we can move forward together.