Since 1994, we’ve been helping college students discover real life in Jesus Christ.
Who We Are
Our History
We are called The House because this ministry was launched in 1994 out of a house on Oak Street, right on the UTC Campus. Though we’ve changed locations a few times, for almost 30 years we’ve been serving as a missional arm of the local church in Chattanooga on the college campus.
Our Beliefs
Throughout our history we’ve championed a historic, generous, and orthodox belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and our Lord. We understand and proclaim the Holy Bible as authoritative and containing all things necessary for salvation, the Church as the body of Christ alive and active in the world, and the necessity for all people to find their salvation, by grace, through faith, in Jesus Christ. In solidarity with the global and historic Church, we affirm the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds as faithful expressions of the Christian Faith.
Our Team
Our team is comprised of full-time pastors, a development officer, pastoral interns, and a robust, diverse team of student leaders. As a non-profit organization, The House is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who provide oversight and accountability for the organization. Each person in leadership is committed to following Jesus and helping college students discover real life in Jesus Christ.
What We Do
Each Tuesday night at 8pm during the school year we gather to worship God and respond to the good news of God’s Kingdom in Jesus Christ. We pray, sing songs of praise together, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus from the Scriptures, and respond to His invitation in the sacrament of Communion. Tuesdays are also the time when so many of our students meet one another and are invited to participate in other aspects of our life together.
The word disciple means student. When you are a disciple of someone, it means you are learning to be like them. Jesus commanded his followers, among other things, to make disciples of all nations. We take that seriously and believe this time of life affords an unparalleled opportunity to grow in Christlikeness. In light of that, we coordinate a tremendous amount of opportunities for students to grow. We host dozens of weekly small groups for hundreds of students and our leadership team meets with 50-90 students per week for pastoral care. Please connect with us if you’d like to join a small group or if you simply want to talk with someone in leadership.
“Go.” <- That’s literally a quote from Jesus. From the very beginning God has intended for us to be active in His creation, unfolding the possibilities of truth, goodness, and beauty in His world and participating in His comprehensive Kingdom work. We send students on missions, partner in local service work, and prioritize student leadership as a way for students to go to others, serving and loving them, and helping them to discover real life in Jesus Christ. Let us know if you are looking for ways to serve alongside of us or go in response to the call of Jesus.